Pikachu's Comeback
As everyone I know was or still is excited to see the new Avengers EndGame to the point where I cant go a day without hearing about it, even though its not as bad today as it was about a week ago when the students were going crazy about spoilers to the point that even the teacher was getting mad about the movie spoilers. But I can't say that I can relate to any of that as I absolutely do not care whatsoever about the movie because I have only watched the two Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against the Avengers movies but I just don't see the point of me watching it if I am not caught up and I think three hours is a waste of my time. So instead I am super excited to go see Detective Pikachu when it comes out this Friday May 10.
I think this new movie will give me nostalgia because from roughly about the age of 7-12 I would watch Pokémon on tv with my little brother and cousins. This is somewhat apart of my childhood as this is what I grew up watching. I think that this movie will kind of bring me back to when I did watch it, but from the commercials I've seen I don't think that the movie and the animations are that similar. Which kind of disappoints me in some ways but I do still think this movie will be fun to watch and enjoy with either friends or family. But I still think this movie will be entertaining to me and many others even though it does seem to be somewhat childish.
Even though it may seem child-ish I don't think that I can judge or assume what the movie will be like because many things are not what you expect, and with this movie there may be so many things that are not shown in the commercial that occur that proves that this movie ay not be as child-ish as I assume. But from my perspective that doesn't my concern because I really just want to be able to watch and fondly enjoy this upcoming movie.
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