what will be next?

I'm starting off this blog post by saying that whatever I talk about is going to be an issue apart of the American media and though not everyone will be aware of the topic I am addressing, it does have a part in the American society.

So for the past two weekends the Coachella festival had taken place and this year it was hyped up more than ever, with an amazing artist lineups that I could only wish to see. But if you know me I would only be excited to see BlackPink, everyone probably is thinking "Ok Lauren stop talking about that stuff" and rolling their eyes at what I am about to write about because they don't have the same interests as I do but at this point I don't care, think what you want. But others may not think that at all and will keep reading this post. But as I was saying, I was beyond excited to find out that BlackPink was going to perform at Coachella (and it was amazing by the way I highly recomened you go check it out), but many others would say they would be excited for other big headliners such as Ariana Grande, Cardi B, or Billie Eilish. But I couldn't careless to what anyone else thought because they finally were getting their recognition here in the states with this as their American debut which I find amazing. Along with all of their international fans they were being exposed to so many more people, but this really sparks a burning question in my mind.

Why are not just BlackPink but K-pop in general just recently starting to be accepted by the general public here in America? Why now and not sooner? What is appealing differently that wasn't before? I don't know the answer tot these questions and that's why I'm asking them, its not an ask and answer article. Though this is truly amazing in my eye s that the whole genera is being more openly accepted here in America because just a few years ago it was looked at so much differently than how it is now. To me its just so interesting and infuriating at the same time how society can change its perspectives on certain things, because just years ago society to me at least seemed to have some type of off putting image of what K-pop was. Most thought it was just weird Koreans with stupid crazy music videos, but now people love it, accept it, and have totally changed their perspectives on it. For example old friends of mine who used to make fun of me for having a different music taste have texted me and asked if I had seen BlackPink perform at Coachella, BTS's collab with Halsey, or even NCT on good morning America, (which I have)which truly leaves me in shock on how great of in impact the American media has on the changing viewpoints on society. But have you noticed that the only things my friend have brought up to me were exposed to them through the American media? None from something that has no connection to the media here in America, which just proves to me that the American media it truly shapes the viewpoints of the society. which leads me to my next question of: what will the society chose to accept next?


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