Not grumpy now

On May 14,2019 we have lost one of the internets most popular and cutest memes, Grumpy Cat. Grumpy Cat was known for being a meme with his grumpy face (duh) but she was also known as one of the internets most famous cats. He is a cat that is more successful than I will probably ever be as he has met numerous celebrities and has a net worth of over a million dollars to 100 million dollars. This past two weeks has been extremely sad as though this was just a cat, she was a "public figure" and it was just sad to see her go. we always hear news if a celebrity has died from natural causes, an accident, or suicide (not saying that lightly) and its all very sad and has a great impact on the audience or users of the media in mostly negative way. I think that Grumpy cat may have been looked over when she passed as "oh its just a pet" or "It's just a cat" but I don't think that it should be as looked over as it probably was. mostly in my case as I liter...